Finding your mojo after 40

As men age, maintaining physical fitness becomes increasingly important- not just in how we look, but also for our overall health and well-being. Going to the gym is no longer reserved for cool, good looking 20-somethings, or the stereotypical angry bloke grunting at their reflection in the mirror whilst doing bicep curls. You've probably read on various websites that getting into a good exercise routine will do wonders for you: Not just for your waistline, but also for many other health and fitness related issues we find ourselves in after we hit our 40s

Moobs, Belly fat and Low sex drive

As we age it's not hard to notice  certain things like our metabolism slowing down. Most of us can no longer get away with eating all the biscuits at work or having a few drinks in the evening without noticing our body weight going in the wrong direction. As well as our metabolism slowing down, it's likely that our testosterone production is also on a downward trajectory. If you've noticed more fat gathering around your belly and you’re now the (not-so-proud) owner of moobs, then a decrease in your natural testosterone is potentially the cause. Other symptoms of low testosterone include low sex drive, low mood and potentially regular rubbish nights’ sleep. The good news is that starting a new fitness routine which is built around resistance training has been proven to increase your ability to produce testosterone.

Waking up with aches and pains (even though you only mowed the lawn)

How many times have you thought back to all the stupid things you would do in your teens and 20s, and wonder “How did I not hurt myself?” or “If I did that activity now I would ache for days, or potentially do myself some long term serious damage”? When they start at the gym, nearly every person I coach over the age of 40 will tell me that they are sick of constantly being in pain after doing almost anything. Whilst we can put some of that down to getting older, it's not exclusively about age. In reality, after we hit 30 most of us have lots more responsibilities such as our careers, looking after a young family, and all that goes along with it. Without realising most of us become more sedentary, whether it's because we are sitting at work, driving our kids to various activities, or sitting on the sofa for the one hour of peace we finally get when everything else is done.

So it's not too surprising that we can end up in pain if we suddenly do something active. Our bodies aren’t used to it, and our muscles and joints will have lost some of their mobility. The good news is that a lot of this mobility can be restored, but it needs to be done in a controlled way. That's why I start slow with all my clients, and we work on building our bodies back to how they were. And for those of you who are already active, consistently working on your overall strength and mobility will support your cardiovascular fitness and overall performance.

These are just some of the benefits of becoming a  “Small group personal training” member. Other benefits include a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or cancer, a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s, and improved mental wellbeing.

If you’re thinking it’s about time to get your health and fitness in check, then click join below and we can get started. Alternatively if you require some more information, then please pop your details below and we will get in touch.