Getting through Menopause

I am very lucky to coach lots of strong, confident women. But most of them would tell you that when they first walked into the gym, they didn't necessarily feel that way.

Most would say they hated how their bodies felt, and that as a consequence of menopause, they had lost most of the confidence they had prior to “the change” starting. The good news is there is light at the end of the tunnel, and it's never too late to take positive steps to rediscover that person you thought was lost amongst all this change. Below are some of the many ways exercise and in particular resistance training, can help you find your old self and with any luck, a more empowered “you”

Protecting your bones

One of the most common things I hear from women is that they are really worried about the loss of bone density. Loss of bone density is sadly common for women who have gone through menopause and is because of the decrease in oestrogen levels, this in turn can lead to Osteoporosis (a condition where the bones are very weak and susceptible to breaking). Whilst all this probably sounds terrifying, it's something you can avoid, with regular resistance training and making sure you eat the right nutrients - Don't worry - I provide nutritional guidance too). 

Dreaded bingo wings and lower tummy fat

As we age our metabolic rate slowly slows down. This means we can no longer get away with eating a family bag of Cadburys Buttons accompanied with a few large glasses of Pinot. Our ability to burn calories starts to decline around the age of 25, but where we store fat changes throughout menopause. Whilst before “the change” the weight may have gone to areas like your bum or chest, now it has the annoying habit of lingering around your lower abdomen and upper arms. Exercise and resistance training can help to increase your metabolic rate.

Finding renewed confidence in your body

Almost every one of my clients going through menopause will say that before joining they felt lost, and the constant change in their bodies led to feeling anxious, depressed or angry. Along with having to cope with these difficult emotions they felt they had lost so much of the confidence they had prior to menopause. When they join my gym, most women don’t realise just how capable they are. With gentle encouragement and compassion from both myself and other members, they soon realise they are able to do far more than they initially thought. As a result, you’ll start to view your body differently - feeling strong makes you feel confident. While menopause isn’t easy, your new found strength, fitness, and confidence may make it easier to manage the change, and you may even feel better about yourself than you did before.

If you feel like it's time to do something that will make a big difference in this stage of your life, then click join below and we can get started, button, alternatively if you require some more information then please fill out the contact us button below and someone will be in touch.